My Last Day pt 2
As you know, Friday was my last day at Head Office. I wasn't expecting gifts or the like as I haven't been there that long. I wasn't really even expecting a "Sorry You're Leaving" card, as I doubt they are! I must admit though, I was kind of thinking I may get a "Good Luck In Your New Job" card.
I was all prepared with the response; "Ah! That's really sweet of you. If it's a "Good Luck" card, which I suspect it is, then I'm going to save it for my first day at the restaurant I think! Thanks alot!"
But all day there was no sign of a card, until nearly the half past five when I came back from the bathroom to find a wrapped present and a card on my desk! The present was quite large, rectangular and about the thickness of an old LP (showing my years now!)
"It's just a little something to 'say thanks for your hard work', and good luck for Hampstead" my Team Leader said, in an attack of 'niceness'.
I picked it up and perused the package. It wasn't really little, so she must mean cheap I figured.
"It's a Kylie calendar isn't it?" I guessed
"You spoilsport!! Haha!! How did you know?"
'Because it's a cliched gift for a gay man from straight people with no imagination' I thought, but refrained from verbalising.
"Because you must know I like her!" was the actual response.
And I was right about the card too; it was a 'Good Luck', not a 'Sorry You're Leaving', but very nice of them nonetheless! I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe I'd been underestimating them?
As I left the office, I passed a guy who I chat to every day round in the smoking area outside.
"Bye Tim!" I said
"Cheers John, have a good weekend!" he replied, unaware of my name and possibly even the fact that I was leaving.
So, it would seem, I'd been right.
Better days ahead my friend! Don't let the little things get to ya'. Besides, since you hadn't been there all that long they really didn't know what to get you so the mere fact they thought to get a gift in addition to a card says a lot.
Looking forward to your new adventures.
rodger, at Thursday, November 30, 2006
Good luck in the new job.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 01, 2006
Even a Kylie calendar (is that really what it was?) is better than what I got from my old job - there were a few of us being made redundant, very badly, on the same day - and they got us naff, identical gifts from a corporate gifts catalogue. It's a small organisation & I'd been their communications manager for over four years.
Excelsior! nothing like convincing you you're right to leave.
Ms Baroque, at Sunday, December 03, 2006
oh thats funny- why give a gift if you don't know the person! rather do a "corporate" thing and give a gift voucher or something...
ciao john!
AngelConradie, at Sunday, December 10, 2006
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