51:32:35 l0:03:22

TGI Paul

Monday, August 07, 2006

Brighton Pride

Well I must admit the weekend didn't start off too well; on Friday evening I rang my friend G, who I went to Brighton Pride with last year along with his boyf V, to make arrangements for meeting on Saturday morning.

To cut a very long story short, it had all got confused and miscommunicated, he'd made arrangements, cars were full, I cried a little (only to myself!), I decided I wasn't going as didn't want to travel down by myself on the train (Billy-No-Mates I may be, but I dont want a few hundred queens at Victoria Station seeing it!), then a kind man, B, who I've spoken to briefly on Gaydar once or twice offered me to travel with him and his friends.

And what a bloody great day it was!!

There was a special 'Pride Express' train laid on from Victoria station in the morning with party packs on every seat containing whistles, a stick of rock, poppers (the party type not Amyl!), a bar in every carriage and very cute train attendants! This was a lovely touch by the train company that really started the day off well! Especially as it was a no extra cost from a normal return fare!

I bumped into G&V briefly, but by that time I was getting on so well with my new friends that I didn't want to leave them; they'd been so welcoming to me! I did say I'd find them later in the Wild Fruit tent , but among the 6000 or so people that were in there it was virtually impossible (especially once I started getting a litlle trashed!)

The rest of the day was all good fun, the music was great and the company excellent. My new friend and I went briefly to the 48 hour street party out side The Bulldog Tavern but to be honest I was exhausted by 10:30, so I we didn't last long!

A late train back to London proved to be great fun, with only just about enough room for people to sit on the floors and wall-to-wall queer! I don't go a great deal on 'ghettoism', but it's lovely to 'belong' sometimes!


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